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Showing posts from April, 2012

How-to Cook Steamed Sticky Rice

Rice Terraces in the Philippines The majority of countries in the Asian continent consumes "Rice" as part of their daily staple diet. Most people are familiar with Jasmine rice when relating to Asian Cuisine. In Southeast Asian countries, Sticky rice, also known as sweet rice, glutinous rice, or malagkit, is just as popular or more so on the food table. Of course, Sticky rice is mostly prepared in sweets and desserts but in this case, we are simple talking about Steamed Sticky Rice. Sticky rice is dry steamed after soaking in water for at least 7 hours. Unlike the regular Jasmine rice, sticky rice is dry and of course, sticky. It's place in a bamboo rice container to keep it moist and placed on the table along with the rest of the meal. Then you dig in with your hands clump the chuck into a ball then deep it in a sauce or whatever dish that your eating it with. So, yes, it is best eaten using your hands. At our hole in a wall location, we constantly have custom